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Adrenaline Junkies: Tobogganing in Carì

The splendid region we call home along the Swiss-Italian border is often justifiably referred to as “Mediterranean” Switzerland. In other words, winters are short and mild and snowfall is generally a rarity. But you needn’t venture too far to get your fix of a good frolic in the snow. We’ve been hearing some buzz about…

5 Hacks to a Smooth Swiss Transition

Moving to Switzerland was not my first move abroad. Although I consider myself to be a seasoned expat, I DID spent the better part of the last 20 years living in Rome (which I lovingly call the “Wild West” of Europe), where rules don’t apply, laws are a mere suggestion and, well, anything goes. I…

Do you move often and live out of a suitcase? Here are five useful tips for YOU!

Are you in your 20s or 30s and have already lived in three countries or more? Do you already know where you’ll be heading next? Or, like me, you know another move is in the pipeline, but you don’t know what your next host country is going to be? You might be a student who…

Base Camp Frog Blog

Encounters with wildlife are extremely exciting to me. Living halfway up a mountain in Switzerland, over the past few months I’ve spotted a stunning heron, eagles and dozens of other bird species, a fox, and even a few snakes from the backyard observation deck. This morning as I poured myself a hot cup of coffee and…

When (No Longer) in Rome…

It’s been two months since my family up and left Rome for the mountains of Switzerland, a decision that had been a long time in the making.  Looking back I admit that I may have underestimated what the trauma of closing two travel agencies, packing up a household of 6, and leaving our home of…


When you think of camping in Switzerland, for many people images of frozen nights, snow-capped mountains, Alpine skiing and harsh mountain climates come to mind. While all of these images wouldn’t be too far off from reality, what mustn’t be overlooked is the fact that there is a tiny little corner of Switzerland whose climate…